23 July 2012

work together

Happy Monday and welcome to a new week! Some of you may remember when I photographed Ashley, one half of FREE HONEY and that I was so excited to collaborate with my first blogger. Hoping to do more with others but travel, work and in general, life got in the way. So when the opportunity came up for me to photograph Kosi over at ONE CREATES ONESELF, I jumped on it! In a way, I feel as though I'm picking up on a lost project. Feeling accomplished. We've met up a few times so far {and note the links I've posted to the left in my sidebar}. It's always a quick fun, give or take, hour and I'm getting more comfortable with directing people. Something I'm not good at, at all.
Check out Kosi's blog here :: she has a nice mix of fashion and fun.
Anyone in NYC? Anyone wanna work with me?

"What's so attractive about acting is that you're working on your 
imagination, vulnerability and innocence - 
all these qualities we lose as adults."

{brit marling}


Anonymous said...
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Caitlin @ Candyfloss & Persie said...

what a beautiful girl!!! I love the way you captured all the little intricacies of her look.

The Dainty Dolls House said...

You're gorgeous, love that dress, so pretty!! Thanks so much for visiting me, do come again!! Have a wonderful week dollface!! xx

ellie said...

What a lovely outfit. Love her style. So beautiful.

ivy's closet said...

Wow, this is so cool. Love the dress and the accessories.

mazzy may said...

Gorgeous photos. Love the quote too!

caitlin and megan said...

In love with this dress. Totally awesome post!

Amber said...

lovely shots and I just adore her dress.

Cafe Fashionista said...

Gah! I LOVE these photographs! It's nice to see a photographer capture all of the details of the subject - from the model to the accessories. Gorgeous! :)

Sara said...

BEAUTIFUL pictures of a beautiful girl!

Sam said...

Hi there, thanks for visiting my blog. You've taken some really great shots here, I like the close ups on the prints.

NaNa said...

These are great photos, they came out looking lovely <3

Love from the NaNa girls xoxo

little luxury list said...

Great pictures - I love the details!

Chic 'n Cheap Living