Maybe it’s the weather today in NYC {finally feeling the warm air} but I am inspired to blog again… and lately, I’ve found myself wondering why I even stopped blogging in the first place. My friends have asked, “Why did you stop? When are you going to start again? We miss reading the quotes and seeing your pictures. That was my escape for a few hours when I had time to catch up and take some me-time during the day”…. and really, I’m not sure why I wanted the break. It was my me-time out of the day also. I thought I needed new inspiration. Or maybe just a break. But a break from what?... It’s only my day to day thoughts and ideas.
A few weeks before the New Year a friend asked me, “Why do you blog? Do you really get anything out of it?” My first thought was not really but it’s fun, it’s an outlet and it’s for me. And then he said, “but who reads it, why do they want to read about your life?” And then I thought about it – I don’t know; why do I do this? Is it supposed to have a purpose? No doubt, I feel I have made a few blogging connections and I hope/think that they enjoy reading my thoughts as much as I enjoy reading theirs and then there are people in my daily life that read it and I hope they find some inspiration along the way too. So then I thought, is it supposed to be more? Do I start a new blog with an intention in mind? A new name? We all come across people that have turned their blogging into a lifestyle and I think that’s amazing and it has given them many opportunities that possibly would otherwise, not exist. But for me, really I have come to find that I blog for me. That is simply the only true answer. I post pictures, I write, I share the places I’ve been and that curbs my wanderlust. It’s my release, time to myself during the day to put my thoughts together. And I have missed it… so with all that… I’m here and ready to be inspired by all of you all over again.
All together, we’re a beautiful mess {of inspiration}.
I’ve been thinking of how to get back into but what better way than to just dive right in! I am happy today!
::highlights of 2011 so far, that I have missed sharing::
2 trips to South Carolina {home for me} ~ a trip to Cali and going to Coachella ~ going blonder and blonder ~ wearing feathers in my hair ~ last minute overnight trip to Jamaica, literally ~ being so beyond stressed at work ~ concerts: Chromeo, Eric Church {again}, Joshua Radin and Rebelution ~ lots of snow ~ puppy-sitting for a little French bull-dog, who would just melt your heart~ my first trip to the NY Botanical Gardens
Can't wait to share more...
Anything grand stand out in 2011 so far for you? I hope so.
“to their glittering future”
{the romantics}
Love it! I blog for me as well. It's an outlet like you said and I always feel more refreshed after posting. :)
ahhhh i need that grilled cheese truck in my life! STAT!!!!
oh rebelution...my favorite. i'm hoping to see them again next month.
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