29 August 2014

Coloring my Life at The Color Run

Back in May this year -- details here -- I did my first Color Run in Queens, NY. And it was too much fun - just getting colored powder thrown all over you and getting happy for no particular reason should be a must on everyone's life to do list. Every single person is smiling and giddy and in that moment, having the time of their life. Some people run, some people walk and I skipped a lot.
My first run then inspired me to fly out to Utah, gather the girls in my family {where they live - so I'm not that crazy for following the run} and do another one with them. Even my Mom joined in {she is not a runner & definitely thought I said rum} and we had a blast. I highly recommend this party run to everyone - it isn't called "the happiest 5k on the planet" for no reason! Zumba in the morning - Run, Play & Get Colored - After Party with a DJ - jumping around like mad women {there are guys who do the run as well} to sick beats aka Calvin Harris and the like and throwing around our own colored powder packs for the group color toss. They give these out at the finish line and continue to throw them out from the stage. I can't say it enough -- So. Much. Fun. Now go get motivated and do one! They are everywhere.
Oh and there are bubbles and kaleidoscopes and kind bars.
Need I say more?

"life is a blank canvas, and you need to throw all the paint on it you can."
{danny kaye}

15 August 2014

Dreaming up a Plan

Routine: I've learned there’s comfort in having a morning routine or ritual. I have always been a person of spontaneity and thrive on last minute excitement. Believing in “the less routine, the more life.” I rarely say no to the opportunity of adventure. But recently I’ve found I should say no sometimes and I’m starting to find the pleasure in routine. I find myself more productive in my day to day and that it is ok to enjoy the simple things & just be. I don’t have to be doing everything and being everywhere all the time. It’s hard in the city though because there is literally always something going on. I’ve also learned it helps my day be more industrious and each morning I’ve started reading this statement that Eric Baker wrote,
If you start the day calm it’s easy to get the right things done and focus. But when we wake up and the fray is already upon us — phone ringing, emails coming in, fire alarms going off — you spend the whole day reacting. This means you’re not in the driver’s seat working on your priorities, you’re responding to what gets thrown at you, important or not."
It really is that simple. This modest statement has had the biggest effect on me recently. I’ve always been a ‘sleep in until the last second’ person; the ‘it can wait until tomorrow’ person. But now, I’ve been giving myself that extra time in the morning and starting my day right, the right way for me. I’ve learned not to react to things that don’t necessarily need a reaction. Maybe this will be helpful for someone or not and it seems like such a trivial thing to struggle with but I do. So all I know is that starting my day with routine has oddly enough made me a happier person all around and I never thought it could be as simple as that. Of course there is still Saturday and Sunday where routine goes out the window and I still, most definitely, kill the alarm clock then.

“The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine.”  
 {mike murdock}
and this song helps too: Michael Trent - Daily Routine

08 August 2014

Love, Love Comes First

Here I go again… I haven’t blogged in over a year and here I am wondering why again. Mostly though, I know why but that doesn’t matter right now. I’m ready to start again. I want to start with my most recent photo challenge – the only photo challenge I have ever actually completed in its entirety and I am so very happy that I did. It was the Radical Self Love Instagram challenge and my favorite that I have ever come across. It’s no surprise that something so amazingly simple was created by Gala Darling and you know I love everything that she does and what she represents as a person. She exudes more happy fuzzy feelings {and pinkness} than one person should be allowed but that’s silly to say and she does anyway, so I’m glad to have met her in this life. For the month of July she offered me {and all of her readers} the opportunity to challenge myself; not only through my creativity, but in remembering who I am and what kind of person I want to be every day.
I want to be happy and I want to inspire. I want to inspire people to get out there and do new things. Try new things that make you giggle and feel excitement. We only have one life after all, right? Right. Who has time for the animosity and grudges. I smile because I’m happy and I love seeing other people smile too. I just kind of forgot for a little while.
Taking on this challenge reminded me to find the good in every day. I should wake up with a smile and be grateful because I do get to wake up and live another day. 

Find out more about Gala Darling's Radical Self Love HERE.

"here's the thing - the horribly, eye-rollingly cheesy thing: no one can be a better version of yourself than you.
and becoming the best possible example of your you-ness does not include focusing on how much you dislike another person."
{tavi gevinson}

16 July 2013

take me there :: junior's

What do you do when someone comes to visit nyc and they haven't been here since 1953 {or another year in the 50's… I can't remember exactly, those are the details that I'm not so good at}? take them to junior's in times square… well really just take them anywhere because new york city is like a whole new world since then. and that's just what I did when my granddaddy came to visit. who wouldn't want a piece of classic ny cheesecake in ny? but then Granddaddy just ordered the pineapple coconut cake… that's ok though, it was just a yummy to me! And I can never pass up a good sundae {with a guinness on the side}. 

If you have visitors in town, take them and if you've never been, take my advice… just go. It's fun to be cheesy like a tourist. trust me.

{and if you are the tourist, live it up! I'm jealous.}

"to live is the rarest thing in the world. 
most people just exist."

{oscar wilde}

13 July 2013

that thing called blogging

As you can see, I disappeared again and then I kept thinking where do I start again? what do I post? But really it doesn't matter. Just start. The most important thing is to start. So here are a few instagram thoughts of what I've been up to lately. Are you loving summer? I am just so happy it's not cold anymore!

1 :: magic walks around the city
2 :: mets game with the girls
3 :: doughnut plant - yummers
4 :: fourth of july fireworks
5 :: dawes at terminal five

Here's to posting more often again and wishing that everyone is having a fabulous summer so far!

"we must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, 
so as to have the life that is waiting for us."

{joseph campbell}