24 May 2011

she's my little whiskey {and tequila} girl

Happy monday Tuesday... this is a good week to come. It’s still raining a bit or maybe everything just still feels damp but the air feels warm and though I haven’t been that great with taking snapshots lately, I had a fun-filled weekend of firsts {but still took no pictures}… so I’m going to flashback to Coachella and share a few of those instaxs and photo booth shots that I love to take! Enjoy and I hope everyone else had a wonderful weekend!!

Palm Springs, Coachella, Santa Monica, California, April 2011

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field. I will meet you there.”


Amber said...

looks like you ladies had a blast at the festival.

bananas. said...

who's wearing those adorable ankle cowboy boots?! i friggen LOVE!!!!!

also peeped your karen walkers...atta girl!