15 June 2012

everlasting smile

Finally... let's jump into what I've been doing for the past two months. I've been traveling, in Africa. Southern Africa. I started in Namibia with EHRA, a volunteer program that helps elephants and humans live together in harmony. In short, we build walls around the farmer's water pumps and windmills and in exchange the farmers don't want to kill the elephants for damaging their property. Win-Win. It was an experience to say the least. I will get into more details soon but I wanted to share a few photos of the cutest desert elephants ever. Don't you just want to play with them?

Then I stayed and traveled more around Africa. I saw a bit more of Namibia, then into Botswana, Zimbabwe and down to South Africa. So many stories from all the places and the people I met. It was an adventure and an opportunity that I wouldn't change for the world.

"I really think that all relationships that are beautiful and lasting are a struggle. 
I think when things are too easy, it's harder to appreciate the beauty."

{jack white}


Jin said...

I was wondering where you were.......
Your trip sounds like it was amazing. I have always wanted to visit Africa but it so expensive. I can't wait to hear more AND to see more photos. and yes, I do want to play with the elephants.

Good to hear from you!

Hvit said...

WHAT AN AMAZING THING TO DO! I'm wowed, that must have been *over-used phrase* but in all honestly, life-changing. It looks super.