27 October 2009

Tuesday Tea Party ~ your intuition is your best friend

This past weekend I took snapshots of a co-worker for her Family portraits, saw New York, I Love You and started my new blog!
As for the pictures - it was different working with the whole family and having the little ones all over the place. Definitely something that I need to work on is being able to give direction. It was harder to follow my feeling to get a great shot. However, the individual shots still came out great I think... here's one of her little girl, Sophia.

On to the movie... it was more independent and depressing than I thought it would be but it was still good and so true to NYC. Sometimes NY is depressing and has a gritty feel and you are almost always independent from anyone and anything else here yet life is still pretty great and comical most of the time.
And for my new blog... it stemmed from me just wanting a new challenge and something new to focus on and write about – it will be about cooking and drinking and places to eat! Check out One Bite to Bliss and any feedback is welcome! I’m just getting a feel for it now. It really is all about your intuition and just going for it.


E said...

I felt the same way about the movie. NYC isn't my favorite, but it seems like New Yorkers are proud of that grit they have. My favorite scene was the one with the old husband and wife team, just giving each other hell all the way to the beachfront :)

The Photodiarist said...

I think that this is a great shot. You've really used the backlight well. The background tones are gorgeous -- so soft and yellow. I quite love this picture.